What makes Quest Master® unique is that it works for any type of goal, it allows you to track your progress towards each goal easily, and it allows you to input and view income, expenses, photos, audio, video, notes, contacts, and events both by goal and by type. In other words, at a glance you can see all the income, expenses, photos, audio, video, notes, contacts, and events associated with a particular goal of yours, or you can see all your notes together, all your income items together, etc.
Quest Master® tools are ideal for the entrepreneur, start-up business owner, artist, software programmer, photographer, writer, chef/recipe collector, hobbyist, or anyone seeking to achieve a dream. This patent pending Quest Master® software is provided to you by the Quest Master team at Artimagination, Inc. The Quest Master team actually used Quest Master® achievement tools to build Quest Master brand software!
Here’s how Quest Master® achievement tools work:
Using our Quest Master® app, you will write down a few words to describe a dream that you would really love to achieve. An example of a dream might be to write a cell phone app, paint a great painting, take an award winning photo of the Grand Canyon, achieve $100,000 in sales, publish your first novel, visit New Zealand, collect some great recipes, track your baseball cards or garage sale hobby, or to lose 20 pounds.
Whatever your dream, we call this dream a “Quest.”
After you’ve identified your Quest, Quest Master® gives you a ‘magic button’ to track your progress in achieving your Quest, using media (photos, video and audio), notes, scheduling, contacts, expenses, income, and more, all in one convenient place.
No more hunting all over your mobile device looking for that one picture, note or old calendar entry – now you can find everything relating to your Quest in one place – simply by using Quest Master®! You can also use Quest Master® to organize and save recipes, photographs, videos, audio, to track income and expenses, organize your new house or car search, keep track of daily to-do’s, and much more!
Why is Quest Master® Different:
Only Quest Master® has the convenient button!
With one cost-effective Quest Master® app, by simply using our unique ‘Add Your Progress’ button, you can:
• Track your progress and accomplishments, AND
• Access all your important related info in one convenient list for each Quest, AND
• Schedule events towards achieving your Quest, add photos/video/audio and notes for each Quest, identify key contacts for each Quest, and track your expenses and income relating to each Quest (very helpful at Tax Time!).
Quest Master® is also the ultimate in flexibility – you don’t need to be clairvoyant or spend hours planning for the Quest Master® app to work, and you don’t need to create an exhaustive list of every step you’ll need to take in the future to accomplish your dreams. In fact, all you need to get started achieving your dream using Quest Master® is your dream and just one idea for a first step on the path towards your dream.
Quest Master® is designed so that you can see and track all your notes, media, events, contacts, income and expenses for a particular Quest. For added flexibility, we know that sometimes you might wish to see all your media together (or all your notes, income, expenses, contacts or events), so we’ve arranged for you to be able to do that too, at the push of one button. That means you can also see, regardless of what Quest you are in, all your media, notes, events, contacts, income and expenses – very helpful!
Quest Master® also has a unique color-coded icon format to help you classify your progress at a glance. For example, the Contacts icon is predominantly orange and when you view your progress you will see that each Quest Master® Contact has an orange font associated with it. You can also see a color-coded list of your Events to show you at a glance the timing of Events. The full Quest Master® Color Chart is available in our User Manual.
We believe that when you see how FUN and FULFILLING it is to see progress towards your dreams, and when you see how easy it is to track your progress, that you will accomplish many, many Quests with our Quest Master®! We even used the beta version of Quest Master® to help us create the finished Quest Master® achievement app!
When you click on the Feedback/License icon in the Quest Master™ app, then you will go to a menu screen with links to our Privacy Policy, Legal Conditions of Use, Feedback and About screens. You can also review our Privacy Policy and Legal Conditions of Use on this website at this link. It is very important that you carefully review our Legal Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, as each is binding on you and you should not use Quest Master or this website if you do not agree to these legal terms and conditions.
Have you finished a Quest and wish to share your success? Please email us and we may post it on our Facebook page or our news blog!
Feedback or suggestions on what you’d like to see in the next version of Quest Master®?
Please Email The Quest Master™Team – we would love to hear your thoughts.